Non-Office Christmas Brunch

Last year (which is practically still this year) I put together my first ever Christmas non-office party!

Being a freelance designer and online shop owner, I’m lucky enough to also have friends lacking in the Christmas tradition that is; the Christmas office party.

We met at Fauna and Flora, a brunch spot I’ve mentioned in an earlier post about food spots in Lisbon. I made sure to bring Christmas crackers (as is the British tradition) and was delighted by everyone’s reaction. I also got to learn about other people’s traditions in the process - like stealing secret santa in Mexico and Brazil!

The brunch was a good opportunity to also get to know some other artists I was acquainted with but didn’t know so well. Because of this I made sure that each person had at least one person they knew. By the end I think it was a success! Depending on where I am next year I’d like to do the same, but I also encourage any other freelancers to give it a go!


Lisbon Design Week: Young Generation Award


Black Owned Businesses